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Balancing the Radiators

The objective of this exercise is to ensure that the flow of water through the radiators is balanced, by adjusting the individual valves, so that all the radiators reach the required heat. (Or, put another way, if you simply open all the valves to the full extent, the flow of hot water from the boiler will find the swiftest route round the system, with the effect that the radiators will run very hot while others stay cold). You will need a pair of radiator thermometers, which can be hired from a tool shop. East London Plumbers carry these instruments.1). Turn off the heating system. When it has been for a few hours and the water is cold, go to the radiators and turn all the valve full on, the hand operated valve at one end of the radiator and the spanner/pliers operated lock shield valve at the other end.2). If you now turn the boiler off and feel the radiators in turn, you should be able to work out the order in which the radiators heat up, and the direction the water flows in and out of the radiators.3). Use tabs of masking tape to label the radiators with the order in which they heat up.4). The next operation will take some time. Take the pair of thermometers and clip them to the flow and return pipes just below the valves. Now, starting with the radiator number one, close the lock shield valve and then open it little by little, until the temperature on the ‘flow’ (the hot water in end of the radiator) has reached a point about 10-11 degrees centigrade hotter than the temperature on the ‘return’ (the cold water out and the radiator). An East London Plumber can balance radiators.5). Continue making adjustments to all the radiators in turn until you get to the end of the circuit. If you have got it right, the valves radiator number three will be slightly more open than those on radiator number two, and so on of the list, to the point where the valve on the last radiator in line will be almost full on.

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